Created long ago by the gods to enforce order upon man, Khep-Ra’s legacy was mysteriously erased from all aspects of Ancient Egyptian texts.
Until now.

All is in chaos, as crime rates increase and international incidents grip the world in fear. When all seems lost to evil, the sudden violent return of Khep-Ra escalates anxieties in the city of New Haven. But none are more affected than Professor Josephine Sweet and Raymond Morris. What ties do they both have to this demigod’s legacy?
Derek W. Lipscomb
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 306

The world is on the brink of total disarray, as Khep-Ra faces the gods of Egypt in a trial over the validity of his soul. But greater problems arise when the task of setting order back into the living realm seems to great for even the powers of the herald of Ra. Can Khep-Ra overcome his internal struggles of personal want versus championing all on the side of good?
Derek W. Lipscomb
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 306